Random Quote

Even if Bolvyn Venim wasn't master of the House, the loathsome creature would still be feared for his prowess on the battlefield. In addition to his full set of Ebony armor, I have heard Bolvyn purchased a blade so rare and powerful, he had to fire six of his personal retainers and three guards to balance the loss.

Domesea Sarethi, PAX Redoran

LGNPC Soul Sickness Patch is for those players using LGNPC Pax Redoran, but for reasons of their own (mod conflict or personal preference) do not want the player to be susceptible to the symptoms of soul sickness introduced by Pax Redoran. It merely restores the original script attached to ash statues and prevents the onset of soul sickness in the player. This archive is intended for players that are using an older version of Pax Redoran. If you download LGNPC Pax Redoran version 1.12 (or later as future updates become available) this patch is bundled with the Pax Redoran archive and need not be downloaded separately.